Our Learning Environments

Both the indoor and outdoor areas of our kindergarten aim to promote security and comfort for the children, as well as areas of challenge and stimulation. Through supervised play with others of their own age, and with selected equipment in indoor and outdoor activities, the children learn new skills, explore new interests and ideas, and develop the ability to solve problems and think creatively.

We have three separate rooms where the children are grouped according to their age. Each group has their own primary caregivers, as well as programs designed specifically for the developmental level of their particular group of children.

There are no set attendance patterns, so parents simply nominate the days that best suit their needs. There is no minimum number of days that a child must attend, though 2-3 days is recommended for their socialisation and self-confidence. When choosing days, parents need to give consideration to their child’s needs and personality - consecutive days can be helpful to ensure continuity and regularity for an unsettled child, while split days are often better for children who tire easily and need a break between attendance to gain maximum enjoyment from the program.

 Click on the rooms below to view more information:

o    At the Hunter Valley Alphabet Academy we like to think of ourselves as offering something slightly different and a bit more fun than a regular kindy. Each of our classrooms are individually themed, creating a unique world in which our children are able to explore and learn. Each room is divided into five age appropriate groupings to ensure that experiences are targeted, meaningful and safe. There are also three individual adventure playgrounds which are designed around age specific needs.